We can make the world
a safer place, together
That’s how
people, help
and sharing
We have a goal

Every day, professional operators and ordinary people create thousands of exchanges of second-hand electronic devices. We want to make these exchanges safer by putting an end to the buying and selling of stolen or lost items.

We share information

We collect reports of theft / loss of devices and make our database accessible to anyone interested in buying / selling second-hand items. Sharing information between the people involved, gives them power.

Searches, entries, badges

Thanks to efficient tools and good logics, we can provide guarantees to all the actors involved: those who suffered a theft, those who offer second-hand devices for sale and those who are considering the purchase of used devices. Power lies in sharing.

This is A-Network

Con più di 6.512 annunci di furto/smarrimento e più di 312mila dispositivi verificati, contribuisce a rendere più sicuri gli scambi di oggetti di seconda mano. I valori su cui si basa A-Network sono semplici: buona fede, legalità e solidarietà tra le persone.

We make the world a safer place

We have created a living ecosystem, with the aim of controlling second-hand devices exchanges: every day people share information, help each other, participate in building a safer way to shop.

The Network
checks done
entries recorded
acrive users
Be part of the change

Commercial operators, providers, producers, ordinary people: we can all contribute to making trade safer, improving the consumption system and obtaining benefits. Become part of A-Network.